~Lion King Starting tips. ~Level Two. After conquering the path of giraffe's, jump up the tree to the first pink monkey a growl at it to change it's direction. Now jump don the rhino's head to be tossed around the tree, then onto the next section. The sequence of moves on this section is Jump, Duck, Jump, Double Jump, and Duck. Work your way across the hippos, collecting the extra life on the way. From the nest jump onto the giraffe's head then onto another ride on an osterich. The sequence of moves is Jump, Duck, Jump, Jump, Duck and Double Jump. A little rest then Duck, Duck, Jump, and Double Jump. Jump on the first rhino to be tossed about the tress and collect the extra life on the way. Then return to the restart point and roar at the monkey to the right. Go to the left hand rhino to be shunted up to the other monkeys and launched across to the other side of the lake. Roar at the monkey were you land (in the middle of the tree), and drop down and get yourself thrown back to the first tree. Roar at the monkey there when you land and then drop to the floor to roar at the first monkey again and then get thrown through the trees to the next level. ~Level Three. New obstactles to conquer on this level including collapsing platforms, so make your moves fast and accurate. Bonuses are scattered everywhere on this level, so keep your eye out for them and do you best to collect as many as possible. Start the level by making your way left and down to the bottom left side of the level. Collect the bonuses before progressing on to the right, along the bottom route. You will eventually reach a large gap, with a few bones hanging from the upper part of the scenery. Run and grab these bones, make your way to the last one and drop down to the platform below. Carry on right, till you come to the pile of bones, where you can climb the rock face by using the small paw holds on the sides. Upon reaching the top fall down the other side and you will safely land on the elephant skin, which will then act as a trampoline to help you get to the next ledge. Progress right till you come to the continue marker. This is were plenty of practice is needed, you'll have to be quick and precise if you are to make it to the top without being caught upi by the hot gushes of liquid. Once up the top, make your way left until you come to the large spinal bones. Slide down this and kill the vulture found on the other side. Carry on left along the higher platforms, situated above where you started, make one short jump and it's back to the beginning of the level !!! If you succeed in making it across these ledges then you will reach the exit and complete the level. ~Level Four. Well there's not much i can help you out with this level. Only the odd thing I can say, keep moving from left to right to avoid all stampeding animals. Always lookmut for the hazard signs as thesr will warn you of another obstacle approaching, jump at these points. ~Level Five Again not a lot I can say for this level, but keep moving, and don't hesitate one moment as you'll regret it !! At the end you'll come across an akward, long task of getting across a number of small platforms. Take care here when swinging from handle to handle, making sure you press the right directional key at the right moment. ~More tips next issue.